QUADRA Behavioral Health provides services to (all ages) experiencing Mental Health and co-occurring disorders, Emotional Disturbances & Juvenile Justice that need Counseling, Medications, Specialized Assessments, Life Skills Development & Independent Living Skills, Trade School and Work Experience programs and much more.
Partial Hospitalization (PHP)
Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) offers a structured and intensive program for adolescents experiencing significant mental health difficulties.
Daily in-person program for adolescents with moderate to severe struggles with mental health and/or co-occurring substance abuse can receive services in a structured, intensive, goal-oriented program.
Schedule: (6) hours per day, (5) days per week.
Intensive Outpatient Program
Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse
The Intensive Therapeutic Outpatient Program (half-day) treats adolescents facing behavior challenges, moderate to severe struggles with mental health and/or co-occurring substance abuse disorders.
Quadra offers an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) treats adolescents with Substance Abuse Disorders.
Flexible treatment can be received (virtual/hybrid/in person).
Flexible treatment can be received (virtual/hybrid/in-person) while gaining confidence and practical tools.
Schedule: (3) hours per day (3) days per week.
Court Recommended Services
Individuals recommended Court ordered treatment may receive the following services:
Day/Evening Program & Cognitive Groups
- Clients received structured Therapeutic Services during critical periods.
- Life Skills Development & Independent Living Skills Training
- Activity/Art therapy, mentoring, social skills outing.
- Quadra can assist with transportation
- Meals are included
The "Training House" at SHRTC
This location is our Independent Living/Transitional Living training site where clients have many opportunities to participate in REAL Hands-On training.
Upon developing new learning Living Skills clients will practice their newly acquired skills.
“The Training House” gives special attention to teens and young adults teaching them the skills to be fully prepared to enter into adulthood, including completing their education, and complete vocational skills programs.
Life Skills Development
Independent Living Skills Training
The Life Skills Development and Independent Living Skills Training is one of the most exciting features of treatment. Complimenting skills learned in other programs and giving individuals the opportunity to learn and practice in a real environment.
Quadra uses several home locations giving participants full access to the home to learning to shop, cook for themselves and invite family to eat a meal, clean, wash their own clothes, have positive friend/family social interactions, address educational needs (study), enroll into Trade School or a Work Program and so much MORE!
Life Skills Development (2-4) hours per session)
Independent Life Skills (4-8) hours per session
** Young adults (18 and 19 years of age may participate in extended hours on non-youth days twice per month.
Medication Services
Any Individual (child, adolescent, adult, elder) may receive medications services if needed.